11 Rejuvenating Habits That Promote A Long Happy Life

What’s the secret to living life most abundantly? So many people are consumed in a giant rat race, running around everyday, with barely enough time to sit down for a descent meal. Is that really the recipe for the enjoyment of life? I think there will inevitably be times in life that we have to hustle, and bustle, and stress about certain things. But I don’t think it should be a consistent issue. Take time to apply these 11 rejuvenating habits that promote a long happy life.

1 – Floss Daily

Flossing might seem like a really trivial task, but it actually has more benefit that you would ever believe.

The most obvious, is the fact that flossing gets rid of plaque and bacteria that settle in between your teeth. That keeps your gums strong and healthy. It also decreases your chances of scaring people off with hot breathe.

That bacteria that the floss eliminates doesn’t only affect the teeth and gums. If you let it hang out too long it can get into your blood stream causing inflammation. That inflammation will significantly increase your chances of heart disease.

Studies show that people who floss everyday have over 80% less chance of heart disease due to oral bacteria, compared to those who only do it once in a while.


2 – Work To Live, Don’t Live To Work

Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Ask yourself…….if money were no object, what would you do? This does a good job of explaining exactly what I mean:

The bottom line is….chase your dreams instead of money. You’ll be much happier and save yourself from a lot of stress and unhappiness.

3 – Reach Out To Friends

Humans are naturally social creatures. It’s embedded in our DNA to yearn for love and friendships. Studies show that being lonely can be as harmful to health as smoking and high cholesterol.

In elderly people it can be dangerous because loneliness can cause serious depression. A simple solution is to challenge your comfort zone and start meeting new people!

Also, don’t let old relationships die out. Take a minute to call or email someone who you haven’t heard from in a while. I bet you’ll make their day.

Make Friends

4 – Drink In Moderation

If you’re of age, enjoying a daily glass of wine or beer with dinner can be really good for you.

Studies from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology claim that women who have one drink per day, and men who enjoy up to two drinks per day, can significantly increase heart health.

Drink In Moderation

5 – Snack On Fruits And Veggies

Eating is often a habit caused by boredom, anxiety, and other factors. If it’s going to be a habit, might as well turn it into a healthy one.

Instead of having chips and other junk in the house, always have fruit cut up in the fridge ready for your wandering hands to get a hold of. This way you don’t have to feel bad about your mindless eating habits!

Fruits & Veggies

6 – Protect Yourself From The Sun

The sun can be your best friend and your worst enemy. It makes beautiful weather that lightens up the day, and it can cause fatal skin cancer at the same time.

Carry sunscreen with you in the car, purse, or backpack. That way if you’re caught in the sun for a while you can apply it.

Your body needs 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight to effectively make vitamin D, but too much exposure on a consistent basis is harmful to the skin.

Sunscreen will decrease your chances of deadly melanomas and it can even keep you looking younger.

Protect Yourself From The Sun

7 – Smoking Was Cool In The 50’s

Smoking cigarettes is probably one of the worst things that you can do to your body. Do we even have to go into the hundreds of chemicals that are in those filthy things?

It increases your risk of heart disease, fills your lungs with tar, turns your teeth yellow, and makes you smell like a forest fire.

It might have been cool like 60 years ago, but the health effects also weren’t studied like they are now. Do yourself a favor and save your health and money.


8 – Move It!

Your legs are designed to walk miles per day and run long distances. Did you know that we, as humans, are more efficient at running than any other mammal? Use that gift and get off your hind end.

Movement is what we are designed for. Being sedentary promotes obesity, diabetes, heart problems, stress, blah, blah, blah…..the list could go on for pages.

The bottom line is, not moving around and using your gifted body is like a slap in the face to your ancestors!

Move It

9 – Turn Off The Fancy Gadgets

I hope I don’t sound like too much of a hypocrite, as I sit here and type this helpful tip. The fact is that electronics are all around us. This is the age where using electronics is almost essential to survival and success.

With that being said, you can still limit usage to a healthy level. Personally, I can’t remember the last time I actually sat down to watch the television. When you limit your time playing video games and watching shows on T.V. you can get busy doing things for yourself.

Turn Off The TV

10 – Trade That Soda For A Green Tea

Green tea is jam packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging cell membranes and causing cancerous cells. Not to mention the caffeine boost that it also offers.

Trading in your soda or other sugar filled drink for a green tea will work wonders in the long run.

Trade Soda In For Grean Tea

11 – Talk To God

Spiritual health is just as important as the physical and mental aspect. If you want to have a long, happy life, spending time talking to the God of the universe is not a bad idea.

Sometimes there are unexplainable events in life that make us upset, scared, or stressed out. The realization that everything is in a omnipotent God’s hands may take a load off of your back.

One of my good friends helped me realize how simple it can actually be to spend time talking to God, in order to grow in spiritual strength.

Talk To God

I hope you take these 11 rejuvenating habits, and promote a long happy life for yourself. If you liked this article, please take 2 seconds to share it on facebook. You might also be interested in tips on keeping your mind on track while at work and school.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.