6 Ways The Government Shutdown Could Be Detrimental To Your Health

I feel like there are two main types of people when it comes to the government shutdown. There’s the ones that don’t really pay any attention, because the government seems so far away and they’re all full of hot air. Then there’s the ones that are totally freaking out about what’s going on, and just started to prepare for the end of humanity as we know it. It doesn’t matter how you feel about the shutdown because there’s really little that you’re going to do about it. What you need to do is protect yourself and be aware of the 6 ways the government shutdown could be detrimental to your health.

1 – Food Safety

With half of the FDA employees on a leave of absence, the normal food checks that were being performed have been halted.

Do yourself a favor and pay extra attention to the fruits, vegetables, and meat that you are buying. The safety of your food could be at risk, so just be careful!

If you’re wondering what the rest of the FDA workers are doing…..they are just handling urgent recalls of foods that impose a serious risk.

Inspecting Food

2 – Revenge Of The Flu?

With the halt of the seasonal influenza program from the CDC, it’s hard to tell what kind of rampage the flu could go on this year.

This is probably the worst time for the CDC to ignore vaccines and tracking of the different strands of the flu.

After all, the time of year where we need it the most is right around the corner.


3 – Obamacare…..Or Does He?

One of the only things that hasn’t slowed down during this shutdown is the implementation of President Obamas new healthcare system, also known as the Affordable Care Act.

First of all I don’t think anyone knows what to expect, unless you’ve read that behemoth of a book, pictured below.

The only thing we have all found out so far is how confusing it has turned out to be. I’m pretty sure the majority of the country (including myself) doesn’t know who, what, where, when, or how, we are supposed to get this mandatory insurance.

This shutdown has marginalized the Affordable Care Act, so it has made it harder for the people to educate themselves on exactly what to do.

All I can say is…….may the force be with you.


4 – Get Used To The Indoors!

Oh so you thought you were going to take a nice stroll through that national park? Or run up the steps of a government building and pose at the top like Rocky? Well think again…..

The shutdown has caused all the national parks, memorials, and even military burial sites to shutdown. To some this may seem super trivial, but believe it or not, people actually use parks to get their exercise.

Not everyone can afford a gym membership, and some would simply rather exercise outside. If you are one of those people, I want to encourage you to stay active somehow. Don’t let the governments immature whine-a-thon put a damper on your workout schedule.

Shutdown Parks

5 – Medicine Approval

With the FDA hobbling around on one leg, there are 5 new medical drugs that are at risk to not be approved.

Those medicines include a drug to prevent osteoporosis and even one for rheumatoid arthritis. With the stoppage of the review on these medicines, I sincerely hope no one was in dire need.

Medicine Approval Halted

6 – Who Needs Research Anyways?

This is probably one of the saddest parts to the shutdown. The National Institute of Health (NIH) director stated that no new patients will be admitted to any new clinical trials during this time. In fact, they are currently being turned away from a scheduled trial.

Some of those clinical trials could potentially save those peoples’ lives. Those people include pediatric cancer patients. I pray that those kids maintain the strength to hang tough until the government can get its act together.

Medical Research

You might be one of those people who’s absolutely loosing their minds about this situation, or you’ve completely removed yourself. Either way it’s important to be aware of the 6 ways the government shutdown could be detrimental to your health. I hope you liked this article, and you take a second to share it on facebook. You might also be interested in finding out healthy alternatives to common social activities.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.