3 Reasons That Fad Diets Don’t Work

I’m making an assumption here, but you probably don’t like it when people make promises to you that they can’t keep. So why in the world would you promise yourself a healthier body, and then take the “easy way” out by getting caught up in some fad diet? Here are 6 reasons that fad diets don’t work. More often then not they will leave you disappointed and back where you started in no time.

1 – No, Nope, uh uhhh!

Fad diets often cut out or severely reduce an entire food group like carbs. Have you ever heard that saying, “you want what you can’t have”? Well that applies here. The way fad diets restrict people, they will leave you constantly thinking about the foods that you “can’t have”.

Eventually you’ll crack, thinking about all your favorite foods. Being starved of those foods leads to a binge and then relapse.

The solution is to have really small cheat periods with reasonable portion sizes. That will keep you sane when you’re restricting yourself. The best way to look at cheat food is like a reward. Don’t let yourself eat it if you didn’t earn it.

diets are restricting

2 – Tick Tock!!!

Our lifestyles have left us impatient and constantly hurried. We expect things in the here and now. When the seasons change we get bored and move on to the next thing. Diets are one of the hundreds of things we treat in that fashion.

Instead of looking at a diet as a lifestyle change we see it as a quick fix to get that summer beach body. Even though the rest of the year it wasn’t a priority at all.

This might sting a little but someone has to say it so here it goes……IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY!!! Losing weight and altering your body composition takes time. You can’t just take some magical pill or click your heels together 3 times.

If you want to be healthier and look healthier, you have to be invested in the long haul. It’s a lifestyle and not just a “fad” that lasts for a season.

magic diet

3 – The Turtle vs The Hare

If you’re not familiar with the story of the turtle and the hare, blame your parents for never reading it to you when you were little. I’m just kidding!

I’ll break it down for you real quick. Basically, a turtle and a hare agree to race. The hare laughs at the thought of this because he’s so much faster. He thinks that he’s won before the race even started.

Oh, but who won the race? Oh thats right, the turtle won! That’s because he knew what he was capable of, and if he just kept on moving at a slow and steady pace he would eventually get there.

The hare was so caught up in his expectations that he ends up falling asleep on the way and losing.

The moral of the story is to go at your own pace and keep your ambitious expectations under control.

Too many people are the hare when it comes to dieting. They start in an all out sprint and get warn out quickly so they fail.

Unreasonable Expectations

When you’re making changes in your eating habits be very cautious when turning to a fad diet for help. No fancy diet made popular by celebrities has a secret formula for you. Here’s the formula: EAT CLEAN. This will start you off on all you need to know about the practical diet.

I hope you took these 3 reasons that fad diets don’t work to heart. It’s always better to thing of changing your diet as a lifestyle change. I hope you liked this article. If you did, please take a second to share it with someone on facebook. If you have any questions about a diet that you might be thinking about, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll get right back to you with my humble opinion.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.