4 Effective Ways To Deal With Change

There are a few absolutes of life that are basically impossible to escape….taxes, death, and CHANGE. Loss and strange situations can be unbelievably overwhelming. You have to be able to handle it so that it doesn’t drag you down and affect your life in a negative way. These 4 effective ways to deal with change will help you roll with the punches that life throws.

1 – Prepare In Advance

Why do athletes prepare to compete and soldiers prepare for battle? They know that they will be placed into intense situations. Preparation reduces the shock, equips your body and mind, and helps you to thrive.

To prepare for life’s changes you have to be on the lookout for signs. Let’s say your job is talking about restructuring. Start working on a new and improved resume and look around for other possible job opportunities that you might need to jump on.

If a family member suddenly contracts a serious illness, get informed so you know what to do if the situation worsens. Understand the stages of the illness and what you can do to help.

Ask yourself the question, “what’s the worst thing that can happen”? Hopefully the worst case scenario won’t happen, but there’s nothing wrong with being mentally aware of it. That way you can work backwards and plan counter-actions to possible prevent the “worst thing” from happening.

2 – Acceptance

The reality of change is as inevitable as the seasons, and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s as simple as that. The only thing you have control over is yourself.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll

Acceptance doesn’t mean that you have to sit there and take it. Acceptance is a mindset that allows you to get over whatever “it” is, and react in a positive and rational way.


3 – Allow Time To Heal

Acceptance can take a while sometimes. When a loved one dies or you lose a job, you might have to go through a grieving process:

  • Denial & Isolation – The initial response to the overwhelming wave of emotion. It’s like a defense mechanism against shock.
  • Anger – This is the reemergence of those strong emotions. Because you’re so vulnerable those emotions may come out as anger towards literally anything.
  • Bargaining – To make an attempt to regain control you might try and “make a deal” with God, or start thinking….if only it happened differently. It’s just a weak defense mechanism to cope with reality.
  • Depression – You might feel sadness, regret, or worry. Levels of depression can vary significantly.
  • Acceptance – Finally you’re at peace with the change and you can move on with your life.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to just embrace the pain of change and let it run its course. The grieving process won’t be the same for everyone. You have to realize that it won’t last forever, but you need to give it some time.

4 – Move On

To get better you have to keep moving and evolve. You can’t just stay stuck in the past or you’ll never get anywhere. It’s a natural human reaction to relapse into old habits that are convenient. It only makes sense because that’s the path of least resistance. Change, even for the better, can hurt sometimes.

Think about it like lifting weights to get stronger. You can’t keep using the same weights that you used last year or you won’t improve. Yes, it’s going to burn a little bit. Yes, you’re going to get tired. And yes, you’re going to sweat and struggle.

That’s the only way to get better and MOVE ON.


I hope you find this article helpful in dealing with the change in your life. Please take a quick second to share it on facebook! I know you’ll also like these 15 motivating quotes to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.