Greek Yogurt Is The New Prodigy Of Dairy

In recent years it seems like greek yogurt has been popping up on grocery store shelves more and more. That’s not a big surprise because the overall production and sales of yogurt has gone up. Also, out of all yogurt sales, greek yogurt has gone up from 3% to 19% in the last 5 years. If I had to take a guess, I would say that more people are eating yogurt, and more specifically, greek yogurt, because people want to eat healthier. I’m here to help you accomplish that. That’s why you need to know why greek yogurt is the new prodigy of dairy, and why you should switch from the regular stuff.

What’s The Difference?

Yogurt of all kinds is made from milk, which has bacteria added to it. The bacteria causes the milk to ferment. Through this process the milk gets that thicker yogurt texture and tangy taste. This is how the probiotics are also added, which help your digestive system so much.

The difference between regular and greek yogurt occurs in the straining process. When the milk is fermented, a cheesecloth is used to drain the extra liquid whey, and keep the thick creamy part.

Regular yogurt is strained twice with the cheese cloth, but greek yogurt is strained three times. This means that more liquid whey is drained off. That gives the greek yogurt a much thicker feel and more concentrated content. In the end that gives it the edge.

Greek Yogurt

Ok, So How’s It So Much Better Then?

Let’s take a look at all the major nutrition categories and how they stack up against each other:

Calories: This is one of the only similarities between the two types of yogurt. Both contain about 80 calories per 6 ounces of plain yogurt. It will quickly add up when you start choosing the kinds with the “fruit” on the bottom. Not to break your heart or anything, but that “fruit” on the bottom of most yogurts is really just flavored sugar. Stop being fooled!!!

Protein: Because of the third straining process, greek yogurt is thicker and more concentrated. That also means it has almost twice the protein content of regular yogurt. In 6 ounces greek protein has about 17 grams of protein, while regular yogurt only has about 9. The benefit of protein is that it will leave you fuller and also help you build lean muscle.

Sodium: Greek yogurt has about half the sodium of regular yogurt. In 6 ounces regular yogurt it will provide you with around 120 milligrams, and greek yogurt gives you less than 60. The United States has an epidemic of sodium consumption, so this will definitely help.

Sugar: In plain flavored yogurt, the greek kind naturally only has half as much. Regular yogurt has about 12 grams in 6 ounces and greek yogurt only has 6. Saving those 6 grams of sugar will add up in the long run. Especially if you are a big yogurt fan.

Fruit On The Bottom

Calcium: This is the only category that the regular yogurt wins outright. Regular yogurt contains about twice as much as the greek style. You might want to stick with the regular yogurt if an increase in calcium is your main objective.

Cash (no, it’s not a nutrition category, but it still matters): Greek yogurt can cost as much as twice that of the regular type. Don’t let that deter you though. Most healthier options of food cost a little bit more. You’re paying for the quality, and in this case, you also get the nutrients that you pay for.

Unlike regular yogurt, greek yogurt can also be used in cooking. You can use it as a replacement for sour cream, mayonnaise, or any other high fat cooking creams. Greek yogurt doesn’t curdle when it heats up, like regular yogurt.

Greek Superfood

Now that you know all the hype behind greek yogurt, the superfood snack, go replace what’s in your fridge. If you liked this article, please take a second to share it on facebook. Since were talking about better food options, you’ll probably also like 5 healthier carb choices.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.