Inchworm Stretch


The inchworm stretch is designed to be part of a dynamic warmup. It activates the core muscles and stretches the hamstrings. This can be done before a workout that involves leg resistance training or any kind of running.

To perform this exercise start in the standing position. Bend down and touch your fingers to the floor while keeping your legs straight. You should feel a stretch immediately in your hamstrings.

Walk your arms out in front of you until your body is in the push-up position. In this position your core should be tight and your body in a straight line. Next, walk your feet back up towards your hands using tiny shuffle steps. Your legs should be as straight as possible.

You should not stand up in between repetitions. Go right into the next one until you have gone a specific distance or done at least 6.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.