Uncover The Life Changing Ways Of A Home Garden

A garden isn’t just something that you admire in pictures. There is something special about a garden that connects you with the outdoors, the food that you eat, and the people that help you personalize it. Uncover the life changing ways of a home garden, and reap the invaluable benefits of exercise and clean food.

Putting a garden together sounds good, but is it really worth it? I already know what you’re thinking. Ya, it looks nice but what else is it good for? You have to water it, take care of it, and no one has time for all that nonsense.

You can look at it that way, or you can look at it in a completely different perspective. Let’s go deeper and talk about some ways that gardening can become one of your hobbies and help you reap a bunch of benefits that you never thought of.


The first thing that comes to mind is looks. A garden looks nice, so by planting a garden you’re already doing some landscaping that your house probably needs in the first place. Well that’s not enough to take the time out of your day to construct some thing like this so lets go farther.

Did you know that an hour of low intensity gardening can burn well over 300 calories? So you barely even started and it’s making your house and you look better. I guarantee you won’t even notice that you’re working hard.

Family Bonding

Don’t do this on your own, that’s no fun. A study in the Journal of Community Health stated that 42 families who were involved in gardening together felt closer and more bonded. There is something for everyone to do. Even the youngest of kids can have small jobs like digging holes, or covering freshly planted seeds. The kids will love feeling like they have some ownership in something this cool.

family grows together

Clean Food

Lots of the foods that you get at the grocery store have been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals that aren’t natural. Growing your own organic vegetables is a healthier option. Growing multiple types of plants will give you plenty food for the whole family. The best part is that you know exactly where it came from, what kind of soil was used, and that it’s chemical free.

Kids Grow Physically And Intellectually

A garden will spark any kid’s interest. They will want to learn about how the seeds turn into huge plants that produce the food that they eat. It’s almost like a real life science lab that will allow kids to interact with small creatures and plants in the garden.

Even the grown-ups will have to learn a thing or two if you have never done this before. This hands on learning environment sparks curiosity, problem solving skills, and teaches kids how to work with others to accomplish something.

When the plants are grown, chances are the kids will want to help out in the kitchen to prepare them as food. Then guess what? They will probably want to eat them as well. Kids who have never liked to try vegetables will most likely want to eat what they have helped produce. This is a easy way to get them less scared of the veggie taste.

Kids Learn Responsibility And Aquire Taste

Where Do We Start?

Plot Your Land

Start with a small plot of land and mark off the area with wooden planks or rocks so you know what you’re working with. This will also give you an idea of how many plants you can have. Research what plants will flourish in your specific climate and split up the plot between all the types of plants that you want.

Eventually when you get the hang of it, you can make other plots of land for other plants, or expand the original one. Be realistic about the produce that you will reap. It’s not like you’re going to become a self sufficient farmer. You will most likely save some money and have some delicious seasonal fruits and veggies to add to your diet.

plot land

Look Into Rain Barrels

Rain barrels will allow you to use natural water to irrigate your soil. You won’t need to depend on perfect weather in order to keep your plants producing the best stuff.

Research Rain Barrels

Starting your own garden is more than just something to make your yard look good. If you consider it a serious hobby a home garden can be life changing. It’s something to be proud of and brag about among your friends, as well as bring your family close together. I hope this gave you the urge to look into starting your own garden. If you enjoyed this read, please be so kind and share it on facebook with your friends. You also may be interested in The Underestimated Anti Aging Effects Of Sunscreen if you are going to be outside gardening. Also, 7 Fun Ways To Get Your Whole Family Active gives you tips on other ways to get your family involved in health.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.