What Are Some Easy Fixes For Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever experienced back pain, or know someone who is currently suffering with it? There is no telling what point in your life your back might decide to start giving you problems. In America, 80 percent of people will deal with some form of back pain. 90 percent of the time it can be treated by an anti-inflammatory medication and the problem subsides shortly. The real issue is when the pain refuses to subside and it seems like there are no ways to combat the problem. Lets talk about how to spot different types of pain, and what some easy fixes are for chronic back pain.

Back Pain

First of all lets categorize the different types of pain. This can help you figure out what type of self-treatment you should do. This also can help out a health professional understand what kind of pain you are in if you ever need to describe it to someone.

Neuropathic pain is caused by damaged or pinched nerves. It can be characterized by a stabbing or burning sensation. Other pain can be caused by tight or damaged muscles, or diseases like arthritis. In those cases the pain is most likely a ongoing pressure, aching, or acute trauma.

Acute pain is usually limited to a specific area. Typically it is in the lower back and can be pin pointed on one side or center. Acute pain can feel extremely serious, but usually will go away after a few weeks. Chronic pain lasts for a much longer period of time. It can travel down the legs and give off a feeling of numbness, tingling, aching, or burning. The simplest tasks can be made impossible for people with this type of back pain. Many times it is caused by previous injury.

Now that you know how to characterize your pain and describe it, lets talk about some possible treatments. One of the following treatments may be the answer to all of your back pain issues. Realize, that you can use multiple treatments during the same time period. For example, taking a pain killer, getting a massage, and then stretching afterward. This can increase the potency of the treatment.

Pain Relievers

Pain Relievers
If you go see a doctor about your pain, the first move will most likely be a pain or anti-inflammatory pill. You will either get a prescription or something will be recommended to you. Since you can get pain killers and anti-inflammatory pills at your local grocery store, I would recommend that you try this before you go running to a doctor. It will save you a ton of money if these end up working. Aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol) are two of the most common over the counter pills. If you use acetaminophen, be conservative with the dosage. You don’t want to go crazy because your liver has to work extra hard when you ingest it. Pain killers only mask the symptoms of chronic pain.

It is important to find the root of the problem when dealing with chronic pain. Pain killers are mostly good for just masking the symptoms.


A common cause of back pain is extremely tight muscles. This can be due to jobs that require to sit for long periods of time. Tight muscles can also occur after a muscular injury, especially if it was not rehabbed properly. Stretching muscles, especially the calf muscles, hamstrings, and hips can relieve tight muscles that are causing tension on the posterior side of the body.


When you are feeling back pain, exercise may be the last thing you want to do. In this situation, when I say exercise I’m talking about low intensity strengthening especially of the core muscles. The core is a huge support system for the spine. If it there is a muscular imbalance in the core it can cause tightness and tension that will lead to pain. Exercise will strengthen the core and possibly correct any muscle imbalances and also loosen up stiff joints.

Look up some ideas for core exercises on the SteadyStrength YouTube Channel. If you do not feel comfortable doing this on your own, you may want to consult a physical therapist. They can help guide you through the process and give you specific exercises for your problem.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy
Getting a massage, or series of massages over a period of time can do wonders to losen up tight muscles and joints. You can use a foam roller to massage yourself if you are on a budget, or hire a professional.


One of the main reasons people go to see a chiropractor is for spinal issues. Chiropractors are experts at adjusting and realigning joints. A simple adjustment in the spine can relieve a ton of pain in your back. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your back will stay in that position if you don’t do something to keep it there though. After you go see one, if the treatment works, it would be wise to do strengthening around the area that was misaligned. Joints fall out of place due to weakness or muscle imbalance.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. It involves putting extremely fine needles delicately into specific pressure points to alleviate pain. Studies show that acupuncture over time has significant effects on managing pain, but there is no telling that it will completely solve the problem. According to the ancient Chinese tradition, pain occurs when Qi (energy) is blocked and has nowhere to go. The needles unblock the Qi and restore the natural flow of the body.

Back pain is a common ailment in America, with almost everyone experiencing some form at some point in life. If you are experiencing any kind of back pain, I hope this article helps you figure out some easy fixes for chronic back pain. Don’t forget to take a look at the SteadyStrength YouTube Channel and our Exercise section for some ideas on core exercises that you can do.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.