10 Outrageous Fitness Rules That Should Be Enforced

Apparently in Russia you can get free rides at the subway stations now….but there’s a catch. You have to earn your ticket by doing 30 bodyweight squats. Supposedly they did it to promote the winter Olympic Games that are right around the corner. Now, I don’t believe that’s the only reason. It’s a smart move to get the whole population excited about fitness in general. I’m surprised that they haven’t implemented this in big cities across the United States. This whole thing got me thinking…what if there were rules in place that forced you to do exercises as a currency to pay the price? Here’s my idea on 10 outrageous fitness rules that should be enforced!

1 – Burpees In The Elevator

So you don’t feel like taking the stairs? That’s fine, take the elevator. But you better be fit enough to do a full burpee for every floor that you pass by!

I’m pretty sure this would be a culture changer. Everyone would be fighting to take the stairs. I apologize in advance for everyone who wants to lookout from the top of the Empire State Building.

2 – 1 Car Ride For 1 Piggy Back Ride

Let’s switch up the idea of car pooling. If you want someone to drive you somewhere. They have to pick the farthest parkings spot possible.

Then to pay up for the car ride, you have to fireman carry the driver to the front door of the destination.

Fireman Carry

3 – 1 Lap Per Ounce That Isn’t Water

If you don’t like drinking water I sure hope you like swimming in it. If you want a 12 ounce Coke that’ll cost you 12 laps in the pool.

You wouldn’t see too many out of shape people drinking Big Gulps. That would cost you 30 laps or more.

4 – Sit On The Wall For Fast Food

Ronald McDonald needs to get rid of their chairs and get some more wall space for this rule to work.

If you order a sandwich you have to do a wall sit the entire time that you’re eating. If you want the whole meal, that will cost you a leg….Not literally, relax!

You just have to sit against the wall with one leg straight out in front of you. Feel free to switch legs as often as you want!

Wall Sit

5 – Balance For A Movie

I know you’re just as excited as I am about the “Rise Of An Empire” movie that’s coming out soon. But you’re gonna have to show some balance.

To get in to the movies, first you have to stand on one leg for the same amount of time that the movie lasts. Of course, you’re allowed to switch legs.

6 – Your Car Needs A Little Help

Your car isn’t going to run for just any ole’ drive down the street. If you’re willing to take the car anywhere under a mile away you better be willing to push it for the first 2 blocks.

Car Push

7 – Sprint Before You Order The Drinks

I know you enjoy catching up with your friends and ordering a few beers or glasses of wine. But before you do that you better meet up in your running shoes. For every drink that you plan on ordering you have to run a 100 yard sprint.

8 – Push-ups Before You Push Snooze

The alarm clock isn’t going off until you drop down and give it 20 pushups. If you want to sleep in you better have some upper body strength so you can do them half asleep.


9 – Sit Up And Then Lie Down

After a long day it’s tempting to just crash on the couch, but before you lie down you gotta prove that you got what it takes to sit-up.

Every time you lie down during the day you have to knock out 20 sit-ups.

10 – Carry Your Own Luggage

Before you get that roller luggage for the airport, or order bell service to carry your bags to the hotel room, prove that you’re proficient enough to do it on your own.

You have to do a farmer carry with dumbbells half your weight for 100 yards.

Farmer Carry

I hope you were amused by my 10 crazy fitness ideas. Can you imagine if these rules were really enforced? There’s nothing stopping you from doing these with your friends. Share it on facebook and see if they’re about it! If you have any other outrageous ideas like these, feel free to share them in the comments below.. Also, here’s another read that you’ll probably enjoy, on 8 common mistakes that people make at the gym.

Adam Pegg About Adam Pegg

Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.